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Jungle Emperor (Third Grader)


As a manga tie-in for the then ongoing anime in 1966, this spin-off was serialized for a younger audience. As a little lion cub in the jungle, Leo must find a way to stop an aggressive red rhinoceros from hurting his jungle friends. Watch a boxing match between Leo and a rogue lion, Bubu. Help Leo save a brave hero as he gets revenge on Lubar, an elderly leopard. Finally, learn about Laiya brother and how a hydra-snake was able to devour their entire family. These chapters of the Shogakukan Sunday Comics were re-released in 1994 with the Complete Manga Works edition of Bouken Ruby (冒険ルビ).

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Jungle Emperor (Third Grader) Chapter 5
Jungle Emperor (Third Grader) Chapter 6
Jungle Emperor (Third Grader) Chapter 7
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4 years ago
4 years ago
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