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Jugyou-chuu ni Icchatta? - Sensei wa Yankee no Omocha


"I can’t c** in front of my students with this toy, but..." Ayashiro, a teacher who has a reputation for being serious, is troubled by Tachibana, the most impertinent delinquent among all students. One day, in the student guidance room, he found a vibrator among the confiscated items. "Does this really make us feel good?" He was curious, so he tried the vibrator himself, but when he was indulging himself, Tachibana appeared all of a sudden!? "Play with me, too." Tachibana caressed him with his skilled hands and put the vibrator inside his bu**...!?+

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Jugyou-chuu ni Icchatta? - Sensei wa Yankee no Omocha Chapter 1
Jugyou-chuu ni Icchatta? - Sensei wa Yankee no Omocha Chapter 2
Jugyou-chuu ni Icchatta? - Sensei wa Yankee no Omocha Chapter 3
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