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Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou)


Hajime Mamiya decides to quit the yakuza business after the death ofhis boss. When riding on a bus, he meets Sho Kosaka, a college studentwho is close to his boyfriend. One day when Mamiya couldn’t forgetKosaka’s longing face towards his boyfriend, he reunites with him, whoapparently works part-time at ’Deriheru’. Mamiya doesn’t know how itfeels to love someone, but he learns of Kosaka’s devotion to sellinghis body, and decides to buy all his time so that he doesn’t have totake other customers. A pure story of a slowly falling in love with aformer yakuza who doesn’t know love and a college student who wants tolove and be loved!+

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou) Chapter 2
Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou) Chapter 3
Hajime no Koi (NISHIMOTO Rou) Chapter 4
1 year ago
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