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Doukyonin no Sano-kun wa Tada no Yuunou na Tantou Henshuu desu


As a novelist, Tsukaichiro Shinomiya, who has serialized many books, is a workaholic who writes as long as his eyes are open. His room would be so dirty that he couldn’t sleep or eat ... His editor in charge, Sano, must take it onto himself to make sure his Sensei is alive, and some. The latest work by Nozomi Uda of "Tanaka-kun is always sick"!

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Doukyonin no Sano-kun wa Tada no Yuunou na Tantou Henshuu desu Chapter 1
Doukyonin no Sano-kun wa Tada no Yuunou na Tantou Henshuu desu Chapter 2
Doukyonin no Sano-kun wa Tada no Yuunou na Tantou Henshuu desu Chapter 3
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